Kelly Bridge - Construction

The base-boards were kindly cut for me by a friend ‘with a saw’!  They are formed from 70x20mm softwood framing, and an mdf top and surrounds.  This, although a little heavy, I do find to be very strong, and my intention was only to move it once so weight was not the first consideration!
This is the wood, the cut out in the MDF is to allow access to the tunnel section, as this forms the side of the backscene.
Stage 2 is to assemble the boards !  The back scene boards were left off until right at the end, this allowed me to paint them sky blue and allows full access around the base board without having to reach over.

I luckily managed to find some boards for the top which had a laminate type covering on them, which gives a grey neutral undercoat to all of the scenic work, but also forms a protection.