Humble beginnings!

Modelling for me over the summer months is always restricted, preferring to spend time outside as much as possible although having had the odd rainy day has allowed some progress! Tackling some smaller jobs, I have completed some buildings in readiness for the new layout.

Firstly, I had a Hornby signal box to be covered with that somewhat basic sticky brickpaper. This does have a use though, as a template on some sheets of Slaters embossed brickwork. Cut to size and windows opened out, this was overlaid and glued around the base walls. Styrene strips were used to form the fills and lintels.

The roof was fashioned from a couple of sheets of Wills tile sheets and capped off with Wills ridge tiles. The interior was painted and a figure suitably posed inside.

This also was a chance to install an LED light for the first time. soldered up to a suitable resistor, I feel it makes it all the more appealing. Playing with the voltage changes the density of the light and look forward to seeing it installed on a layout in a night time setting.

Another little project completed was a Dapol footbridge, assembled and carefully painted by brush to make the signal box. Okay, so nothing dramatic, but by spending a fair few hours of careful painting I think really lifts this simple kit.

Lastly, a chance for experiment with my new airbrush. A rather old, but perfect condition, I had a Triang train shed. This was sprayed with acrylics and finished the guttering and window frames by hand in black and green. Doors and glazing will be needed to finish, and also some more lighting!

All in all, some simple but enjoyable little projects to pass those rainy summer evenings!

Another little project.